Iteration 2 - mazmaz2k/Minimal-balanced-node-separator GitHub Wiki
Iteration 2
In this iteration we will complete our divided work. create algorithm that return vertexes of strongest connected component . create algorithm that find minimal model of small set of rules we will have usable algorithm by the end of this iteration.
Total Estimation
We estimate the work length to be at 3 weeks The software would:
- Finish write algorithm to find ALL -k-Edge connected component . here is issue link
- Create unique graph data structure for gratest connected component . here is issue link
- Finish create algorithm for finding max flow. here is issue link
- Read cnf file and enter it to data structure. here is issue link
- Create Ts method. here is issue link
- return variables in the strongest connected component that will divide the component. here is issue link
- Find minimal model for set of rules by using davis putnam algorithm .here is issue link
- create a GUI class for more visual input and output .here is issue link
- Get source from super graph .here is issue link
- Create a Default HashMap is issue link
At the end of this iteration, we would have also defined software requirements and also our software design, according Mentors requests.
Retrospective - goals and results:
Process, Methods & Tools
- We used Eclipse as our main developing environment. Each of us written his code on his own local machine while we performed the actual merging, building and compiling on a single machine (Eclipse is a resource hog program).
- Adi will work on Rules data structure creation.
- Omri will work on graph data structure creation.
Missions finished until now:
- Finish finding strongest connected component.
- put variables in rules component -checkUnits method.
- searching the data structure and removing literals and clauses -ClausesToRemove.
- creating a hash table in order to save for each variable a list of the rule that its in them
- Print Graph Data Structure.
- Conversion Rules database to a graph.
Iteration Conclusion:
Our team works very well together, we have via meetings on skype an also have a Whatsapp group and Gitter group , where all the members always stay connected and updated.