Usage - mayth/Lemonedo GitHub Wiki

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As
Ctrl+F Search
F3 Search Next
Esc Close Search Panel

Other Navigation

  • Right-click a node on the tree view, then it will be opened with a new tab.
  • To "Save As", right-click the "Save" button.
  • Right-click the path shown on the bottom, then the "Copy Path" menu will be opened. (Note: You can't copy the path of the root path)


On searching, you can specify a prefix to the value to search.


"Base" option is enabled when you search on the binary view with the binary value. With "Base" option, you can specify the base of the value to search.


Prefix Type Size (byte)
b byte 1
sb sbyte 1
s short 2
us ushort 2
i int 4
ui uint 4
l long 8
ul ulong 8
(none) int 4

If parsing as the given prefix is failed, try to parse the value as larger type. If the prefix type is unsigned, try to parse as larger unsigned type; if the prefix type is signed, try to parse as larger signed type.

It is an error if parsing as (u)long is failed.


Any other options are disabled if you want to search the binary view with a string.

Prefix Encoding
ascii ASCII
utf-8 UTF-8
utf-16 UTF-16
unicode UTF-16
(none) UTF-16


On node searching, there is no available prefixes.

On node searching, the available option is "Search Type".