Documentation - mayswind/C3D.NET GitHub Wiki
you can load file from path:
C3DFile file = C3DFile.LoadFromFile("FILE PATH");
or from a stream:
C3DFile file = C3DFile.LoadFromStream(stream);
you can read property from file header:
UInt16 firstFrameIndex = file.Header.FirstFrameIndex;
and the events in the header:
C3DHeaderEvent[] events = file.Header.GetAllHeaderEvents();
you can read parameter by "GROUPNAME:PARAMETERNAME":
UInt16 pointCount = file.Parameters["POINT:USED"].GetData<UInt16>();
the type supports Byte, Char, Int16, UInt16 (only v0.3+), Single, String and their arrays
or you can split names like this:
String[] pointLabels = file.Parameters["POINT", "LABEL"].GetData<String[]>();
or like this (only v0.2+), this method would not throw any exceptions when parameter does not exist:
String[] pointLabels = file.Parameters.GetParameterData<String[]>("POINT", "LABEL");
or you can use a non-generic method:
Object scale = file.Parameters["POINT", "SCALE"].GetData();
UInt16 firstFrameIndex = file.Header.FirstFrameIndex;
UInt16 pointCount = file.Parameters["POINT:USED"].GetData<UInt16>();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < file.AllFrames.Count; i++)
//you can also use file.AllFrames[i].Point3Ds.Length
for (Int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; j++)
Console.WriteLine("Frame {0} : X = {1}, Y = {2}, Z = {3}",
firstFrameIndex + i,
file.AllFrames[i].Point3Ds[j].Y ,
//or you can use this method
Console.WriteLine("Frame {0} : X = {1}, Y = {2}, Z = {3}",
firstFrameIndex + i,
file.AllFrames.Get3DPoint(i, j).X,
file.AllFrames.Get3DPoint(i, j).Y,
file.AllFrames.Get3DPoint(i, j).Z);
Single frameRate = file.Parameters["POINT", "RATE"].GetData<Single>();
UInt16 analogChannelCount = file.Parameters["ANALOG", "USED"].GetData<UInt16>();
UInt16 analogSamplesPerFrame = (UInt16)(file.Parameters["ANALOG", "RATE"].GetData<UInt16>() / frameRate);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < file.AllFrames.Count; i++)
//you can also use file.AllFrames[i].AnalogSamples.Length
for (Int32 j = 0; j < analogChannelCount; j++)
//you can also use file.AllFrames[i].AnalogSamples[j].SampleCount
for (Int32 k = 0; k < analogSamplesPerFrame; k++)
Console.WriteLine("Frame {0}, Sample {1} : {2}",
firstFrameIndex + i, j + 1,
//or this method
Console.WriteLine("Frame {0}, Sample {1} : {2}",
firstFrameIndex + i, j + 1,
file.AllFrames.GetAnalogSample(i, j)[k]);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("FILE PATH", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
C3DReader reader = new C3DReader(fs);
C3DParameterDictionary dictionary = reader.ReadParameters();
C3DParameterCache paramCache = C3DParameterCache.CreateCache(dictionary);
while (true)
C3DFrame frame = reader.ReadNextFrame(paramCache);
if (frame == null)
C3DFile file = C3DFile.Create();
file.SaveTo("FILE PATH");
fisrt, you should add group by group id, group name and description:
file.Parameters.SetGroup(1, "POINT", "");
and then you can add parameter to a group using group id,
you can set parameter name, description and data in one line:
file.Parameters[1].Add("USED", "").SetData<UInt16>(5);
or like this (only v0.2+):
file.Parameters.SetParameter<UInt16>("POINT", "USED", 5);
//you can add 3D point like this
file.AllFrames.Add(new C3DFrame(new C3DPoint3DData[] {
new C3DPoint3DData() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Residual = residual, CameraMask = cameraMask},
new C3DPoint3DData() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Residual = residual, CameraMask = cameraMask},
new C3DPoint3DData() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Residual = residual, CameraMask = cameraMask},
new C3DPoint3DData() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Residual = residual, CameraMask = cameraMask},
new C3DPoint3DData() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Residual = residual, CameraMask = cameraMask} }));