3. Git and the Dev Environment on your BBG - mayalassiter/bbg-grove GitHub Wiki

This page will walk through setting up git on your BBG and downloading our git library.

#Installing Git# Before worrying about setting up Git on your BBG, make sure your git account is ready to develop with this new device.

Assuming you have been following this guide, this will be a newly reimaged BBG so there are no pre-existing ssh keys. SSH into your BBG device with your user and hostname from setting up on the BBG. Generate an SSH key by typing ssh-keygen, you can choose to set it up with a password or just press Enter twice to generate the key and continue. Next copy the generated file onto your clip board. You can do this by typing cat /.ssh/ida_rsa.pub and copy and pasting the resulting key into your Git account.

Now return to your home directory. Type cd ~/. Before downloading git, make sure the BBG is up to date by typing sudo apt-get update.

type sudo apt-get install git-core

Browse to our master code branch and copy the Clone with SSH link onto your clipboard.

To download our library in the BBG terminal type git clone [email protected]:mayalassiter/bbg-grove.git. To set up the BlockyTalky Dev Environment type git clone https://github.com/LaboratoryForPlayfulComputation/blockytalky.git and go to the bbg branch. To do this we first need to switch directories, type cd blockytalky/blockytalky. Then type git checkout bbg.

To develop with our library cd into the examples folder and use the command sudo python <example-code.py> to run a module on a connected BBG or edit the modules with your favorite text editor over ssh. To finish setting up the BlockyTalky Dev Environment follow this guide.