NBA injury - may02-technologies/data-analytics GitHub Wiki

It is a short version for 2019-2020 NBA season due to COVID-19 pandemic. At the time, teams had played between 63 and 67 games. Based on injury report, it provides two charts focusing on both teams and players presenting insights.

According to "Team Win Rate vs Sum of Player Missed Matches", Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers are at the upper left, so they are healthy and excellent teams with higher win rate and lower injury records. At the lower left side, there are Washington Wizards and Cleveland Cavaliers. Although they have fewer injury records, they are not good enough because of the lower win rate. Miami Heat, which lies in the upper right side, suffer a large number of injuries, but the win rate remains 0.6. It means the team do not rely on specific injured players. In other words, Miami Heat plays teamwork games. In contrast, Golden State Warriors also suffer numbers of injuries but it only has a 0.23 win rate.

The chart "Impact of Player Injuries" shows players' salary and team win rate change when the players are injured. Stephen Curry, Russel Westbrook, and LeBron James are the top three salary players. From the team win rate change, they are all critical for their teams. Since Stephen Curry is the highly payed player and he missed almost the whole season, it is the main reason that Golden State Warriors has the lowest team win rate. The bottom right are cost-effective players. For example, Gary Harris, who has a relatively lower salary, comes from Denver Nuggets. When he is injured, the team win rate decreased by 0.33. By calculation, it shows when Gary Harris is in the team, the team win rate of Denver Nuggets is 0.79. The left part of the chart shows the players awarded, which means their teams have better results even their players are injured.