Tutorial Making a PCB with EasyEDA - maxint-rd/arduino-modules GitHub Wiki


You can use EasyEDA to design your own PCB. Go to https://easyeda.com to create your user account and use the online editor to design your own PCB. This tutorial shows you how this is done.

Watch this video to see how I made and ordered my PCB's, soldered and tested them:

Made: JLCPCB TinyDev TM1637 modular LED matrix clock with ATtiny85

To produce a PCB, you first need to have a PCB layout, usually in the form of so called Gerber files. You can download many PCB designs from the Internet or design one yourself. You can use the PCB's that I designed via my EasyEDA page. You can also design your own PCB and use the export function to create the Gerber files.

Step 1 - Start a new project

After registering your account at easyeda.com you can start a new project using the top menu:


Then you enter the name of the project and a description and hit the Save button:


Step 2 - Place and connect your components

You start your schematic by placing components. You can use the Libraries icon (1) in the left panel and enter a keyword (2) to search for your component. Then you select the found item (3) and use the Place button (4) to place the component on the sheet:


TIP: use the scroll wheel to zoom in/out and press the wheel to change the viewing position.

Using the EELib icon in the left panel you can find most commonly used components (1) and place them (2). Then you can use the Wire tool (3) to connect the components (4) to complete your schematic:


Step 3 - Make the PCB layout

You can use the Convert to PCB menu to convert your schematic into a PCB layout:


Using the Track tool (in the PCB Tools panel) you then draw the traces, guided by the thin rat-lines:


TIP: use the Layers box to hide layers and to select which layer you are editing.

Use the Copper Area tool (1) and draw a shape around your board to create a copper filled ground plane. Use the Text tool (2) to create text in the Silk layer. You can enter any text you like (3):


TIP: use the 3D View menu to inspect the board before exporting the Gerber file

Step 4 - Export the Gerber file

When your PCB layout is done, you can click the Generate Fabrication File (Gerber) menu:


After checking for DRC Errors, you can preview the board and hit the Generate Gerber button to export the Gerber file:


TIP: You can also use the bottom right button to directly order your board from JLCPCB.

Step 5 - Order your PCB

Follow the steps in this tutorial to upload the generated Gerber file to JLCPCB and order the PCB's.
