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Utility program is a system software that allows users to perform maintenance-type tasks. Most OS include built in utility programs. Utility program functions include managing files, searching files, viewing images, cleaning up disks, defragmenting, backing up, screen savers, securing computers from unauthorized access, protection against virus, spyware and adware, filtering, compressing, playing media files, burning optical discs, and maintaining the PC.
File manager is considered a utility that performs related to file managements. The file manager displays a list of files on storage mediums, organize the files in folders, and creating shortcuts. OS usually include file managers.
Search Utility = program that will attempt to locate files based on criteria that the user specifies, such as words, dates, sizes, locations, names, or other similar ones.
Image viewer = allows users to display, copy, print contents of graphics files. Users can see the images without needing to open them in editing programs.
Disk cleanup = Searches and removes unnecessary files.
Uninstaller = removes programs and associated entries in system files. When installing, the OS records the info it uses to run software in the system files, while the uninstaller deletes the files and folders from systems.
Disk fragmenter = reorganizes files and unused space. OS accesses data quicker and programs run faster. The OS stores data on a disk and places the data in the first available sector. Fragmentation will slow down disk access and the performance of the computer.
Backup utilities allow users to copy, backup, selected files or an entire hard disk to another storage, like external hard disks, USB, optical, or tape.
Screen saver = utility that will cause a display device’s screen to show moving image or a blank screen, if there is no keyboard/mouse activity for some time. It will return to previous state once keyboard is touched, or mouse is moved.
Personal Firewall = Detects a protects PC from unauthorized intrusions. It monitors all transmissions to and from a computer.
Antivirus programs = Protects computer from virus attacks, if user installs antivirus program. It identifies and removes any computer viruses found in the memory, storage media, or incoming files.
File compression = Shrinks the size of files. Compressed files take up less space than the original. If compressed, room will free up on the storage media and improve system performance.
Media player = allows users to view images and animation, listen to audios, watch video files on computer. Media players can include ability to organize the media files, convert them to different forms, and more.
Network is when two or more devices can communicate with one another and share resources. Network allows the capability to share files, communicate with email, browse internet, share printer, modem, scanner, and access applications and files.
Personal area network = personal devices such as keyboard, mouse, TV, cell phone, laptop, desktop, mobile device, and pocket video games that can communicate in proximity.
Local area network = group of devices that can share resources in areas such as room, home, or building.
Metropolitan area network = connectivity between the sites within the same city.
Wide area network = communication between LANs on a big geographic scale.
Wireless LAN = wireless network that consists of access points and wireless devices.
Wireless WAN = wireless connectivity for a bigger geographic area with a mix of technologies.
Network topologies = physical network topology is how network is wired.
Ethernet most common type of LAN. The hub broadcast data out all ports except the port that originally transmits the data. A switch keeps a table of addresses.
Star topology = each network devices will have a cable that connects between device, hub, or switch.
OSI Model = The international organization for standardization developed model specifically for network communications that is called the open systems interconnect model. It is standard for information transfer across networks. OSI model divides networking into different layers for it to understand and teach. If a manufacturer wants to make a network device that wants to work on layer 3, the manufacturer will only focus on layer 3. Layered models help teach network concepts. Layers of OSI: application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical. Bottom three layers handle physical delivery across the network. Top four will handle the ins and outs of accurate data delivery.
TCP/IP model = Network protocol = data communication language. Protocol suite is group of protocols working together. Transmission control protocol is the suite used in current modern-day networks. Protocols include the internet protocol (IP), dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP), file transfer protocol (FTP), and hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). TCIP/IP model has four layers, application, transport, internet, and network access.
Network addressing = adapters have two types of addresses, a MAC and an IP. The MAC is a 48-bit unique number burnt into a chip located on a NIC and is also represented in hexadecimal. MAC addresses are unique for every computer on networks. The IP address is known as layer 3, and there are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 is very commonly used on LANs. It is also a 32-bit number entered into a NIC’s configuration parameters. IPv6 are 128 bits and shown in the hexadecimal format. They are used by corporate devices and internet service providers. Modern day computers have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address. IPv6 link local address is used to communicate on a specific network. IPv4 grouped into five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. A, B, C are used by network devices. Class D used for multicast, and class E used for experimentation.
IP addressing = Network number is portion of IP address that represents which network the computer is currently on. Computers on same network have same network number. Host address represents the specific computer that is on the network. Number of bits representing network number and host number will depend on which class of IP address is being used. Subnet mask is classified as a number a computer can use to determine which part of the IP represents network and which part is the host. CIDR is considered a method of allocating the Ips based on number of host addresses that are needed for a network specifically.
Network troubleshooting = determining how many devices are affected by an issue. If the port is being suspect, try another cable or loopback plug to test port. Run simple tests. One test is the ping command. It is a command that can be used to check the connectivity around the network, whether it be no connectivity or intermittent connectivity. Ping can be used to determine if the network paths are available, if they are delays, and if the remote network device is even reachable. Local connectivity describes devices on same network including default gateway.
I could use running the task of simple tests to determine what is wrong with the connection. I can also check WIFI settings, connection settings, and what data is being used. The colleague can also run the ping command to see the connectivity around the network, if there is any.
I believe Champlain uses wireless WAN. We all have a different variety of technologies The WAN can also allow users to share access to school applications, services, and VMs.
The OSI model would be more useful regarding explaining networks. The model was developed specifically for network communications. It is very specific on layers and the layers can explain network concepts.