Journal 06 - maxinepopov/sys-140 GitHub Wiki

System Utilities

Utility = type of system software allowing users to perform maintenance tasks relating to computer devices.

Functions by utility programs include, managing files, searching files, viewing images, uninstalling programs, cleaning disks, defragmenting disks, backing up files and disks, setting up screen savers, securing computers from unauthorized access, virus protection, removal spyware and adware, filter web content, compress files, media files, burning optical discs, and maintain PC.

File manager performs functions related to file management. Some characteristics include displaying a list of files on storage medium, organizing, copying, renaming, deleting, moving, sorting files and folders, and creating shortcuts.

Operating systems tend to include file managers.

Search Utility = program that attempts to locate a file on computer based on criteria such as words in a file.

Image viewer allows users to display, copy, and print contents like photos.

Disk cleanup searches and removes unnecessary files.

Uninstaller removes a program, along with associated entries in system files.

Disk defragmenter recognizes files and unused space on the hard disk, for the operating system to access data quicker and have programs run faster.

Backup allows users to copy or back up selected files or a hard disk into another storage unit such as USB flash drives, etc.

Screen saver causes user’s display to show moving images or a blank screen if their mouse isn’t moving for a period.

Personal firewall detects and protects PCs from unauthorized intrusions.

Antivirus programs prevents a damaging program by identifying and removing the viruses.

File compression shrinks sizes of files. It takes less storage space.

Media player allows users to view images and animations, listen to audios, and watch videos on their computer devices.

Microsoft Management Console = holds snap-ins. Those are tools used to maintain the computer. To access console, use system and security control panel, select administrative tools, double click computer management. Component services are used to view, configure, and administer COM components, COM + applications, and DTC. Computer management console is mother lode of the tools including system tools, storage, services and applications.

Managing services and applications = contains multiple options depending on the computer and what is being loaded. Some of the options are telephony, WMI control, services, and indexing services. The service is an application that is started by using this window, which will start when the computer boots.

Overview of the windows boot process = windows will be able to boot using different methods, some require BIOS/UEFI configuration. System volume is active drive partition. Boot volume is partition or logical drive where operation system files are located. Specific files that allow the computer to boot are system files. Boot partition is the partition and folder that contains most window files.

Advanced Boot options/startup settings menu = when windows isn’t booting up properly, windows advanced boot options menu can be used. Other tools that troubleshoot window boot issues are last known good configuration, safe mode, windows recovery environment, and startup repair.

System configuration utility = this is used to troubleshoot windows startup issues by disabling the startup programs one at a time or several times at once. Only administrator can use this utility. General tab has three radio buttons: normal start up, dialogistic start up, selective start up with normal startup being the default. Boot tab lets users control and modify the windows boot environment. Services and startup tabs are useful when troubleshooting boot issues. System configuration tools tab allows launching as task manager, performance monitor, and internet options from internet explorer.

Task manager = windows-based utility that will display applications loaded into the memory, the processes that are running at the time, the usage, and memory details. Activating task manager includes right click and hold an empty spot-on taskbar and select task manager. It can stop programs that have quit responding.

• Q1: What is the usefulness of a tool like Windows Task Manager? Have you ever used this tool in the past, and for what purposes? It allows users to view currently running programs and processes. It can also end nonresponding programs. I have used this tool in the past to end non-responding programs so I can shut down my computer. Q2: Pick one of these tools available in the System Management console (Task Scheduler, Event Viewer, Shared Folders). Do you think you would find it useful when doing your day-to-day computing tasks? Why or why not?

Task scheduler would be useful to me because of automatic program updates. I tend to want my programs updated as soon as possible, so task scheduler would be able to complete that.