Software Specifications - maximshcherbakov/hyresim GitHub Wiki

Software Specifications

Modeling specification

hyresim is about simulation of different types of HRES. Now its implements the one type of HRES which contains on the following components:

  • consumption block
  • PV and storage block A,
  • storage block B
  • smart relay.

Simulataion specification

We start simulation from the initial discrete timestamp t_{0} having all values for variables at t_{0}. As we have 3 types of HRES components (consumption block, PV and storage block A, storage block B) and we need to obtain a set of optimal control signals for certain modelling period, the modelling process is performed according to the following scheme (assume that current time is t).

  • obtain electric energy consumption (as cumulative variable) for time period [t, t+1] in KW(time interval)
  • obtain predicted PV production (as cumulative variable) for time period [t, t+1] in KW(time interval).
  • get state of charge (SoC) for batteries in the Block A and in the Block B.
  • estimate the type of control signal: either consumers will get stored energy, or energy will be bought from the grid, or energy will be sold to the grid.

The aim of simulation is in obtaining the optimal set of control signal regarding to minimization of a cost function. The cost function tells how much we will pay for energy during the modelling period. Since energy price differs for different hours it makes sense when energy is bought.