Paparazzi Installation & First Flight - maxct/paparazzi GitHub Wiki
How to really install paparazzi
Here is a way I've made at my laptop (with dual-boot Ubuntu 15.04) executing Christoph's commands.
Installing prerequisites
According to do:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:paparazzi-uav/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -f -y install paparazzi-dev paparazzi-jsbsim gcc-arm-none-eabi
Cloning paparazzi
Go to directory where you want paparazzi to be installed and run the following commands. Eigher the things I have done:
$ git clone
$ cd paparazzi/
$ git remote -v # check
$ git remote set-url origin
$ git remote -v # verify
$ git checkout origin/christoph-wall-avoid -b wall-avoid
or simply clone direct:
$ git clone
$ cd paparazzi/
$ git checkout origin/christoph-wall-avoid -b wall-avoid
Compile the project and run paparazzi:
$ make
$ ./paparazzi
The program probably runs but you still can't flash a copter.
But try to run basic example of simulation described in
Go back to the terminal. Instead of killing paparazzi process (Ctrl+C
) you want to stop it (Ctrl+Z
) and send to background ($ bg
If there were some changes in ovgu-FINken/paparazzi (as it was when Christoph found a bug), you can add upstream and update your local maxct/paparazzi clone in the following way:
$ git remote add upstream
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/christoph-wall-avoid
(In case of changes in origin maxct/paparazzi simply do $ git pull
Special settings
Copy special initialization file to your home directory (you need to be in paparazzi directory):
$ cp conf/system/gdbinit ~/.gdbinit
To have access of flashing copters you (your USERNAME) are to be in the group dialout. Give rights via sudo and check if you're really in:
$ sudo gpasswd -a USERNAME dialout
$ id
So, this is it with prime installation and settings!
Every time before flashing you need to run special util (from your paparazzi directory) for enabling telemetry connection via USB:
$ sudo conf/system/
Then connect copter via USB and run Paparazzi Center:
$ ./paparazzi
For simple flight without any other settings in Paparazzi Center select correct copter, build code and upload it to the copter as it is shown on the picture: