I. Single Copter Behavior: Experiment Description - maxct/paparazzi GitHub Wiki
Goal & Motivation
During the experiments we need to receive and analyze data to compare behavior of one copter to the analogous conditions but for two copters together.
Our goals are to check parameters and copter reactions for different phases of flight such as initial automous settings, autonomous height stabilization, autonomous flight, manual interruption. After this step we need to know what normal behavior to expect and notice anormal situations in future evaluations.
The report for these experiments will consist of description of
- typical behavior of single copter
- comparing two our different copters behavior
mostly in form of plots and comments.
- Autonomous starting - first 10 seconds when copter is still on the ground
- Autonomous flying and getting height - about minute of free flying with wall-avoidance until the normal height (about 60 cm)
- Manual moving one meter straight - after second phase (scenario) trying to appear at the initial spot and manually fly one meter than hover for 5 seconds and landing.
- Getting distances to the every wall without flying and stay at the middle of the arena with manually 360 degree rotation. Then getting same data during flight trying stay in middle of arena.
Experiment Conditions
- 4x3 meters arena
- usual starting point: 1.5m distance to the sides, 1m and 3m distances to the front and back walls
- test all scenarios at least 3 times for each of them
- the interaction of the copters is simplyfied for the xy-plane. In other words: we don't consider scenarios where one copter flys above an other copter.
- test scenarios for both copters FINken-301 and FINken-302
- collect the following telemetry data: FINKEN_SENSOR_MODEL
Data of all experiments are in Google Drive.