AzureOpenAI - maxbaldt/Timon-Your-FAQ-bot-for-Microsoft-Teams GitHub Wiki
How to add an Azure OpenAi Deployment to Timon 🚀
To create an Azure OpenAI Instance you will need:
- Access to Azure OpenAI
- A Subscription in Microsoft Azure
- Access to a PVA Premium License (Erik to the rescue)
Still interested? Let's go! ✅
- Go to and search for Azure OpenAI:
- Create a new Azure OpenAI Service:
- Hit Next, Next, Create:
- After successful deployment Go To Resource:
- In your new resource, click 'Model deployments' and click on 'Manage Deployments':
Now you've made it to Azure OpenAI Studio ☁️ !!!
- Create a new Deployment:
Choose one of the GPT models, in our Example GPT-3.5 is the latest (If you have 4.x, use it!) Give it a name - TimonAI might be a good fit!
- Ok, now, since we have the deployment, let's open it in the Playground - from there we will fetch some data! Get a pen and a sheet of paper to note some things!
- Click View Code in the Playground:
!! Now note the Endpoint and the Key displayed underneath the code. Store it somewhere, so we can use it later. (Loop, OneNote, Notepad, whatever...)
Now open the Copilot Studio.
Make sure, you're in the right Environment:
- From your Timon Copilot, open the Ai Topic,
- and Open the AI Flow in the topic:
- Edit the flow:
- Now find the Step: "Initialize variable API Key" and enter your API Key you noted in Step 8.
- Finally, add the URI to your Azure OpenAI Resource you noted in Step 8 to the Step 'HTTPPost' in the Flow (you can just replace the hostname, as marked in the screenshot)
- Save your Flow!
- Go back to your Copilot Studio (a Tab should still be open) and Publish your Copilot: