WriteAGuide CheatSheet - max-ri/Guidelime GitHub Wiki
How do I write a guide? - Quick reference / "Cheatsheet"
Accepting a quest:
Accept [QA123]
Turn in a quest:
Turn in [QT123]
Complete a quest:
Complete [QC123]
Go to a location:
Go to [G12,34 Stormwind City]
Be at a certain level:
Grind until [XP18]
Hearth to [H Thelsamar]
Fly to [F Thelsamar]
Visit trainer:
[T]Get new skills at your trainer
Set hearthstone:
Set hearth in [S Goldshire]
Get flight point:
Activate the flight point in [P Thelsamar]
You can [V]sell vendor loot and resupply and [R]repair here
Class/race/faction/reputation/skill/spell specific line:
Teleport to [SP3561Stormwind][A Mage]
(In contrast to class/race/faction/reputation/skill/spell specific guide:
[N]Guide to class quest XY [GA Mage]
) -
Collect item:
Loot 6 [CI11515,6 Corrupted Soul Shards]
Added in TBC:
- Gain reputation:
Grind on Deadwood until you are Unfriendly with [REP Timbermaw Hold -3000]
Added in WOTLK:
Use item:
Use an [UI5996 Elixir of Water Breathing]
Target NPC:
Speak to [TAR29611 King Varian Wrynn]
Cast a spell:
Teleport to [SP3561Stormwind][A Mage]
Level a skill:
Level up to [SK Tailoring 45] 45 skill with [SP 2963]. (Craft at least 90 [CI 2996,90])
Learn a spell or skill:
Train [LE Tailoring 125 Journeyman Tailoring]