PublishAGuide - max-ri/Guidelime GitHub Wiki

How do I publish a guide?

Once you have created a guide, you might want to share it with other people, be it with everyone by having your guide appear here in the guides list or on addon websites such as Curseforge or just for a limited group of people.

The easiest way to do so is to create an addon module which contains your guide. This is done in the following way:

First create a folder in your Addons folder. The name of this folder should be "Guidelime_" followed by the name of your guide. So for example your folder could be called "Guidelime_MyGuide". By having all guide addons names' start with "Guidelime" they will all appear nicely next to each other in the addons list.

Next this folder should contain one file for each part of your guide. Your guide should be split up in parts so that each single part will not be too long that it would cause a performance reduction of the game. You can try out how long it can be at most for yourself but probably each part should not consist of more than 300 lines. These file should be named for instance "Part 1.lua" and look like this:

[D *My* own guide for Guidelime \\]
[GA Alliance]
[N1-6 My guide Part 1]
[NX6-12 My guide Part 2]
]], 'My Guides')

If unclear you can look up the meaning of each of the codes in this file in the instructions on how to write a guide. You can use *asterisks* for highlighting and \\ for linebreaks. The text 'My Guides' in the last line defines in which group your guide appears in the guides list. Use the same name for all of your guides.

Next you need a toc-file (Table of Contents) in your addon directory. The name of the toc-file must always be identical to the name of the folder. So in this example it would be "Guidelime_MyGuide.toc". The toc-file contains information about your guide such as the title as it should appear in game, the author's i.e. your name, a description, and that Guidelime will be required as a dependency. Also it has to contain a list of all the filenames of lua-files containing the parts of your addon.

It could look for example like this:

## Title: Guidelime_MyGuide
## Author: Me
## Version: 0.001-Beta
## Interface: 20501
## Dependencies: Guidelime
## Notes: My own guide for Guidelime

Part 1.lua
Part 2.lua
Part 3.lua
Part 4.lua
Part 5.lua
Part 6.lua

This is pretty much all there is to do. Once you have saved the toc-file you can test if your addon gets loaded correctly in game. After each modification of a toc-file a restart of the client is required. Also be sure to switch on a character of the correct faction/class/race when testing a faction/class/race-specific guide. Otherwise you won't be able to see the guide.

Once you are happy with the result you can put your addon into a zip file and share it with people. You can upload it to an addon site such as Curseforge, and/or you could post it into the post-your-guides channel in the discord.

For an example for how the zip file containing your guide should look like have a look at

When sharing guides please do respect the respective guide creators rights. Whenever you are porting a guide to Guidelime which you did not write yourself please request the authors permission to do so and to share it with others.

I will try to keep the guides list up to date and add any guides that have been published.