Assignment 5 1 Protecting Data in Your Application - max-gallagher/SYS-360 GitHub Wiki
Task 1: Creating an AWS KMS key
- In AWS go to Key Management Service and then to Customer Managed Keys
Create a new Symmetric key and name it "MYKMSKEY"
Add voclabs as an administrator
On define key usage permissions once again select voclabs
select finish on the review tab then the key is made
Task 2: Storing an encrypted object in an S3 bucket
Download the clock image from this website and name it clock.png
Go to amazon s3 and navigate to the bucket titled "imagebucket"
Go to properties, then scroll to default encryption and verify that it is enabled.
Upload the clock image to the bucket and and under properties go to server-side encryption settings
- Click specify an encryption key then for encryption key type choose SSE-KMS and choose from your AWS KMS keys and select MyKMSKey
- Upload the file
Attempting public access to the encrypted object
Attempt public access to the encrypted object
In the Object overview section at the top of the page, copy the Object URL to your clipboard
Open the URL in browser and it should give you the access denied error
Modify the public access permissions for the bucket.
Navigate back to imagebucket and go to the permissions tab
In the block public access section clear out "Block all public access"
Modify the access settings for the object
- While still under the permissions tab edit "Object Ownership"
- Choose ACLs enabled
Navigate back to clock.png in the objects section and choose actions then select "Make public using ACL"
- Attempt to navigate to the object URL from earlier and you should now be getting the invalid argument error instead of the access denied error
Task 4: Attempting signed access to the encrypted object
- Open clock.png from the bucket
- Take note of the URL as it has credentials in it following the AMZ characters
Task 5: Monitoring AWS KMS activity by using CloudTrail
Access cloud trail by searching it up in the services bar up top
Navigate to the even history section
Filter event history to only show AWS KMS reports by filtering by event source and searching
Choose the link for the GenerateDataKey event name
Look at the event record section and analyze the details found in it
Now exist the GenerateDataKey event and move to the decrypt event and analyze that as well
Task 6: Encrypting the root volume of an existing EC2 instance
Navigate to the EC2 Console and go to the LabInstance Instance
Go to the storage tab and under the block devices section notice that the volume that is attached is not currently encrypted
Stop the instance
Go back to the storage tab and clock on the volume ID of the attached volume
Click actions and create a snapshot using your name as the Key and "Unencrypted Root Volume" as the value
Now lets encrypt the volume
Go to elastic block store on the left drop down and select snapshots
Choose the snapshot you just took and under actions click create volume of snapshot
Under encryption set the KMS key we created earlier and then create the volume
Under elastic block store go to volumes and for the volume that is currently in use edit the name and enter "Old Unencrypted Root Volume"
Name the new volume "New encrypted root volume"
Detach the old volume and attach the new volume
Task 7: Disabling the encryption key and observing the effects
Go to the AWS KMS console then to customer managed keys
Select the key from earlier and the under actions select disable and confirm that you want to disable the key
Attempt to start the EC2 instance and then refresh, it should immediately stop its self again
Now try and access clock.png and the image should fail to open with the KMS.DisabledExcepetion error
Now go to cloud trail event history and take a look at the DisableKey event and the StartInstances event
Lastly take a look at the CreateGrant event
Return to the AWS KMS console, and re-enable the MyKMSKey customer managed AWS KMS key.
Return to the Amazon EC2 console, and successfully start the LabInstance again.
Task 1 Screenshot of the Key you created
Task 2: Screenshot of clock.png properties with SSE settings
Task 3: Screenshot of "Invalid Argument" Error
Task 4: Screenshot of URL with creds info when accessing decrypted file
Task 5: Screenshot of Decrypt Event in Cloudtrail
Task 6: Screenshot of Instance - Storage Tab showing the volume is encrypted with a KMS key
Task 7: Screenshot showing the CreateGrant event with the Decrypt operation and errorCode