06. Rails console - max-borisov/ihub-bookshelf GitHub Wiki
Lets view data we created so far.
If course we can connect to the database and view databases, tables and rows. But there is anothe way how to fetch and manipulate with data as simple ruby objects using rails console command.
Open terminal and type the following:
$ rails console
Now you are able to run commands:
Get list of users:
ap User.all
Here is what you get:
ap - is a shortcut for the awesome_print gem which shows objects in more friendly way.
Now you can view/create/delete/update active record models and so on.
Play around with these commands:
Find user with id 1
ap User.find(1)
Get all books
ap Book.all
Get first book from the list
ap Book.first
Get last review
ap Review.last
Get first book title
ap Book.first[:title]
Check is a last user admin
ap User.last.admin?
Destroy all orders
ap Order.destroy_all
Destroy first book
ap Book.first.destroy
Get amount of users
ap User.count