01. Create project - max-borisov/ihub-bookshelf GitHub Wiki

First of all lets check if you have a ruby installed on your computer. Open a terminal and type ruby -v. You might see something like that:

$ ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-darwin14]

If you have ruby 2.0 or older, please update it to the newest version.

Lets check whether you have rails gem on your system. Type in the terminal window rails -v. Here is what I get:

$ Rails 4.2.1

If you do not have rails, install it with a command gem install rails.

By the way, gem list --local returns a list of all installed gems.

Go to your home directory or any other folder and create a new rails project with command rails new PROJECT-NAME.

For example:

$ cd ~/
$ rails new bookshelf-rails

After installation you should get the following structure:

Project structure

Create git repository:

$ git init

Add all files to the stage:

$ git add .

Create first commit message:

$ git ci -m 'Project init'

Helpful links