Gwt History Router Wiki - mavek87/gwt-history-router GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the gwt-history-router wiki!

Simple and lightweight gwt module to handle routing in a single web page application


1. Import the module in your gwt.xml file:

<inherits name="com.matteoveroni.gwthistoryrouter.GwtHistoryRouter" />

2. Create your pages extending the Page superclass. Example:

PageOne.html (HTML Template/View)

<div id="pageOneId" style="border: 5px solid red;">
    <div>Page One</div>
    <button id="btn_name" type="button">My button</button>
</div> (Controller)

public class PageOne extends Page {
	public PageOne() {

	public interface PageOneResource extends ClientBundle {
		PageOneResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(PageOneResource.class);

                // This is the HTML template of this page
		TextResource getResource();

	public String getHtmlText() {
		return PageOneResource.INSTANCE.getResource().getText();
        // This method is called when the page is used
	public void use() {
		super.use();     // call the superclass use method (which calls the showHtml() method to render the page
		addHandlers();   // add the handlers to the view when the page is used

	private void addHandlers() {
                // Search a button named btn_name in the 
		HTMLButtonElement button = (HTMLButtonElement) document.getElementById("btn_name");
                // Add a listener to handle the click event
		button.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.CLICK, clickEvent -> {
			console.log("botton pressed");

3. Populate the PageRegistry with all your pages, create a new router in your app entry point and call the Router.getInstance().listenUrlChanges() method to startup the router

public class MyModuleEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

	private static final String APP_URL = "http://localhost:8080/app/";

	public void onModuleLoad() {
		// You can use RouterType.GWT_ROUTER or RouterType.ELEMENTAL_ROUTER
		// But the elemental router uses html5 popstate which doesn't works well on old browser like IE 11 or above.
		Router.setup(RouterType.GWT_ROUTER, APP_URL, PageRegister.getMainPage().getURLHash());

	private void populatePageRegister() {
		final FirstPage firstPage = new FirstPage();
		final PageOne pageOne = new PageOne();
		final PageTwo pageTwo= new PageTwo();
		PageRegister.addPages(firstPage, pageOne, pageTwo);

4. From your Pages you use the router as shown below. For example to go from PageOne to PageTwo call the method Router.getInstance().go(SecondPage.class) in PageOne. Example:

HTMLButtonElement button = (HTMLButtonElement) document.getElementById("btn");
button.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.CLICK, clickEvent -> {
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