Change log - maurizuki/O2 GitHub Wiki
Change log
See for the latest changes.
Version 2.2.7
- New feature: export events (fields that match rules of type Expiration date and Recurrence) in iCalendar format, compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.
- In the Rule properties dialog, Date format tab, the text field Date format has been replaced with a more friendly drop-down list.
- Help menu rationalization.
Version 2.2.6
- Fixed: multiple consecutive white spaces in notes are not preserved during export to HTML.
- Minor improvements.
Version 2.2.5
- Export to HTML: new page style in three flavors.
- Check for updates: integration with the GitHub REST API.
- Minor improvements.
- Developed with Embarcadero® Delphi 10.4.
Version 2.2.4
- Fixed: the selections of the search options Find by tag and Find by rule aren't initialized opening another file.
Version 2.2.3
- Deprecated cipher and hash algorithms: the cipher algorithms Blowfish, DES, Ice, Thin Ice, Misty1, RC2, RC4, TEA and the hash algorithms MD5 and SHA-1 have been deprecated due to evidences of their lack of security. It's still possible to open files encrypted using the deprecated algorithms, but it's no longer possible to save files encrypted with them.
Version 2.2.2
- Main window, fields view: added the menu item Show passwords to the context menu.
- Developed with Embarcadero® Delphi 10.3.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL 3.50.
Version 2.2.1
- Some aesthetic retouches to the main window, print preview window and HTML export preview window.
- New style sheet for the HTML export.
- Added the menu item Documentation to the Help menu: links to the wiki page of the project.
Version 2.2
- New portable release that installs directly on removable media.
- Added the new feature Replace role to the objects menu: replaces the role of the selected objects in their relations.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 2.1.2
- Added accelerator characters to almost all the labels to navigate trough their associated input controls more quickly.
- Object properties dialog, fields editor: added the buttons Move up and Move down to replace the unhandy popup menu.
- Rule properties dialog: added a box with an explanation of valid field name mask and field value mask composition.
- Rule properties dialog: added the name of the rule to the window title to keep it always visible.
- Rule properties dialog (italian translation): translated the color names for the color boxes in the highlight tab.
- Minor visual improvements.
Version 2.1.1
- Added a drop-down menu to the Find button to add the new feature Clear search.
- Added the Find by rule search option that search for objects with at least one field matching one of the selected rules.
- The columns of all the views are now resized automatically to fit the whole available width.
- Main window, rules view: improved the behavior of the functions Move up and Move down, now the item remains visible while it is moved.
- Object properties dialog, fields editor: improved the behavior of the functions Move up and Move down, now the item remains visible while it is moved. Improved also the behavior of the function Delete, now is automatically selected the next item after the deleted one to continue deleting in sequence.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
Version 2.1
- Main window redesigned, clearer and cleaner. Click Find (Ctrl+F) toolbar button to show or hide the search options box (formerly filters): find by name, event, tags.
Version 2.0.7
- Fixed a bug that prevented to save the application settings.
- Main window default size increased to 800x600 pixels.
Version 2.0.6
- Object properties dialog: new tag editor with shortcut menu item Edit tags in the object menu.
- Object menu: new sub-menus Add tag (adds tag to the selected objects) and Delete tag (deletes tag from the selected objects).
- Replace tag dialog, replace field name dialog and replace field value dialog: added a drop-down list to the replace-with-value field.
- Added a prompt to delete the selected item from the recent file list if the file is not found.
- Minor user interface improvements.
- Updated example files.
Version 2.0.5
- The sorting of the recent file list is now calculated by the usage count of the files.
- Added Clear recent file list to hide all the recent file list items.
- Compliance to the Format 3.0 specifications.
Version 2.0.4
- The fields editor (object properties) now has a drop-down list of field values already used in other objects for the same field name.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL version 3.45.
Version 2.0.3
- Added the option Only if deactivated in the Transparency sub-menu to apply the transparency percentage only if the application is not active.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
Version 2.0.2
- New HTML export preview (similar to the print preview) with new export options: include tags, include relations, include notes, include passwords.
- The print preview fits automatically the desktop area.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL version 3.40.
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed bug: leading zeroes of numeric field values were deleted even if they were significant.
- Fixed bug: handle not valid error message on print preview page scroll.
- The name of the object selected in the object view is now displayed in the statusbar with the object tags.
- The font used to display the object notes on screen and to print them is now the same and it is monospaced to prevent differences of alignment for text tabulations.
- Minor changes to get maximum copliance to the Format 2.0 specifications.
Version 2.0
- Massive code rewriting to get maximum compliance to the Unicode Standard specifications.
Version 1.3.2
- New feature: event rules customizable display value. You can set the display value of the field that match the rule combinig static text and macros (field name, field value, years, months, days, etc.). See the Display tab in the rule properties dialog (only for rules of type expiration date and recurrence).
- New print options: include tags, include relations, include notes, include passwords.
- Better integration with the Format 1.0.
Version 1.3.1
- New feature: replace field value in object menu. It replaces the values of the specified field with the specified value in the selected objects.
- Ctrl+click on relations view goes to the other object in the selected relation.
- Multi-selection enabled in rules view.
- Object properties dialog is now resizable.
- Maximum elements of recent file list increased to nine.
- New Help menu with web links to the project.
Version 1.3
- New feature: localization. The english (US) and italian localizations are available. More localizations will be available as soon as possible. Contact me if you want to contribute to the translation.
- New: custom color option for highlight colors.
- Export to HTML: added hyperlinks between objects in relation between them.
- Fixed bug: deleting an object, its relations were not deleted with it.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
Version 1.2
- New feature: relations. Selecting two objects you can create a binary relation between them and you can assign a role for each object in the relation. A relation can represent a relationship, an employment, etc. (see AddressBook.o2).
- New about box with useful links.
- The date of the next event is now calculated accordingly with the current event filter.
- The hyperlinks in the fields view are now underlined instead of highlighted.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL version 3.39.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
Version 1.1.2
- Added Next event column (nearest recurrence or expiration date of object) in report view.
- Sort by tags improved: sorts objects tags first then compares objects.
- The last sort order is now saved and restored.
- Notes field: tabs are now allowed.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL version 3.38.
Version 1.1.1
- Multiple tags per object (feature request #2689708).
- Filter by multiple tags: includes objects with one or more of selected tags.
- Added the option New window in New menu.
Version 1.1
- The O2 file is now compressed to decrease its size and obfuscate its content also when it is not encrypted.
- Added the print preview.
- Changed the print layout.
- Compiled with Jedi VCL version 3.36.
- Minor code improvements.
Version 1.0.6
- Date format options and custom event filter options are now stored in each expiration date and recurrence rule. This changes are made to make more portable the file format and to enable multiple event outlooks. No previous settings migration, sorry!
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
Version 1.0.5
- New fields editor (object properties) with drop-down list of field names already used in other objects.
Version 1.0.4
- Added the drop-down menu to New button with New object and New rule options.
- Tools and View menus has been reorganized.
- The updater is now integrated in the O2 executable (no more updater.exe).
- Portable version save now the settings in Data\Settings to better reflect the directory hierarchy of standard.
- Fixed bug in visualization of recurrencies: the years of recurrency are now calculated on current date not only on current year.
Version 1.0.3
- All the executables are now compressed with UPX - The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables.
- Added an application launcher and reorganized the directory hierarchy of portable version to reflect standard.
- Added Move up and Move down buttons to the fields editor (object properties).
Version 1.0.2
- Some changes to the toolbar to improve compatibility with Microsoft (TM) Windows Vista (TM) UI.
Version 1.0.1
- Added Open folder to the Open menu to open the folder containing the current file.
- Added Rename field to the object context menu to rename field of selected objects.
- Added Rename tag to the object context menu to rename tag of selected objects.
- Fixed bug in Install on removable media tool (updater settings were not copied so it did not work).