cameo medium cpds - mauriceling/advancesyntoolkit GitHub Wiki

Synopsis: List the medium in a model, with Cameo.

Usage: python cameo-medium-cpds [option]

where [option] can be

For example:

python cameo-medium-cpds --model=iAF1260

Working example:

D:\Dropbox\MyProjects\astoolkit>python cameo-medium-cpds --model=iAF1260
C:\Users\mauri\.conda\envs\py37\lib\site-packages\cameo\visualization\plotting\ UserWarning: Cannot import any plotting library. Please install one of 'plotly', 'bokeh' or 'ggplot' if you want to use any plotting function.

This operation uses Cameo ( If you used it in your study, please cite: Cardoso, J.G., Jensen, K., Lieven, C., Lærke Hansen, A.S., Galkina, S., Beber, M., Ozdemir, E., Herrgård, M.J., Redestig, H. and Sonnenschein, N., 2018. Cameo: a Python library for computer aided metabolic engineering and optimization of cell factories. ACS synthetic biology, 7(4), pp.1163-1166.

Load model: iAF1260

Number : Component : Rate (mmol/gDW/h)
1 : EX_ca2_e : 999999.0
2 : EX_cbl1_e : 0.01
3 : EX_cl_e : 999999.0
4 : EX_co2_e : 999999.0
5 : EX_cobalt2_e : 999999.0
6 : EX_cu2_e : 999999.0
7 : EX_mg2_e : 999999.0
8 : EX_mn2_e : 999999.0
9 : EX_mobd_e : 999999.0
10 : EX_na1_e : 999999.0
11 : EX_nh4_e : 999999.0
12 : EX_fe2_e : 999999.0
13 : EX_fe3_e : 999999.0
14 : EX_o2_e : 18.5
15 : EX_tungs_e : 999999.0
16 : EX_pi_e : 999999.0
17 : EX_zn2_e : 999999.0
18 : EX_so4_e : 999999.0
19 : EX_glc__D_e : 8.0
20 : EX_h2o_e : 999999.0
21 : EX_h_e : 999999.0
22 : EX_k_e : 999999.0