Getting Started - matyalatte/Blender-Uasset-Addon GitHub Wiki



  1. Update Blender if you are using Blender 2.7x.
  2. Download blender_uasset_addon_*.zip from the releases page.
  3. Launch Blender.
  4. Open the Preferences window (Edit > Preferences).
  5. Select the Add-ons tab.
  6. Click Install....
  7. Select the zip file you downloaded and click Install Add-on.
  8. Enable the installed addon.



  1. Open Uasset panel
  2. Click Toggle Console if you want to see the progress
  3. Click Import Uasset.
  4. Select the version of assets from UE version.
  5. Check Load Texture if you want to import texture files. * Texture import will take a long time. * Mesh asset files have no texture data. It needs material files and texture files to import textures.
  6. If you will export armatures as fbx, select Centimeters from Scale > Unit Scale unit
  7. Select a .uasset file.


injection The addon supports inject function. You can mod mesh and skeleton with the following steps.

  1. Triangulate your mesh if it has non-triangle faces.
  2. Select objects you want to inject. (You don't need to join meshes. It will take all selected meshes as an asset.)
  3. Open Uasset panel
  4. Select .uasset file you want to mod from Select Source File
  5. Select the version of assets from UE version.
  6. Click Inject to Uasset
  7. Uncheck Only Mesh if you want to mod skeleton
  8. Uncheck Duplicate Folder Structure if you don't want to make folders
  9. Select an output path

But please note that there are some limitations.

  • You can't use more materials than ones the original assets have.
  • Even if you move bones, the animations may move them to the original positions.
  • If you remove bones, the animations may corrupt.
  • You can't inject materials and textures with this function.

If you want to make more complicated mods, you should use UE to cook assets.

Export as fbx

export You can export selected armatures and meshes as fbx. It will use the standard export function. But many export options are fixed to prevent user errors. Fixed options are as follows. You can see the description of options here
