Previewing Blender model in three.js - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki

In top-level directory, run from command-line:

node gameserver.js &

to start a web server in the project.

Using your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/viewer.html.

To change what model you're displaying, simply edit "modelName" in the top-right hand corner and click "loadModel" to load the model.

Use left click to pan around, right click to rotate, middle click to zoom. If your model doesn't show up, hit COMMAND-OPTION-J to open up the console (make sure that the "Console" tab is selected) and see if any errors were logged in the loading of your file.

Caveat: all models must be saved in the "assets/blendermodels" folder and all associated textures must be saved in the "assets/blendertextures" folder.