Peter's three.js notes pt 1 - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki
Notes on three-js
The key to the run loop is a relatively new browser feature called requestAnimationFrame(). Using this function, your code registers a callback to be called each time the browser is ready to draw the page. Where possible, your applications should use requestAnimationFrame() instead of the more traditional setTimeout(). It's been designed with rendering in mind, because the browser knows that all callbacks registered with this function are intended to be used for drawing and it can batch all the calls together with updates for the other visual elements on the page.
- Scene
- Renderer
- Camera
- Objects
Need proficiency with Javascript. WebGL is probably best because it has GPU support (frees up CPU to do other things)
Creating a scene
- Camera
- Field of view
- Aspect ratio: width of element / height
- Near and far clipping plane: only objects within this range will get rendered
Making an object
- Material: colors it
- Mesh: object that takes a geometry and applies a material to it
Made a simple rotating cube
Another getting started tutorial
Concepts of lighting (different shaders) - need to read up on this
- Basic
- Lambert
- Phong
Need to modify following if you changed an object - notify renderer that something changed (otherwise three.js caches it) // so that it allow updates sphere.geometry.dynamic = true;
// changes to the vertices sphere.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
// changes to the normals sphere.geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
- Interactive voxel painter: possible idea for making levels
- Point lights - so cool
- Animation - keyframe
- WebGL materials
Learning three.js book
X-axis increase left to right Z-axis increases from back to front Y-axis increases upward
Chrome script editor - breakpoints
We want a grid-based system
Simple examples
Placing things on a grid (aka Chess) view-source:
Javascript notes
Object is just a dictionary mapping of functions {name: func()}