Game Deployment on Nodejitsu - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki

To deploy the game onto the Nodejitsu server, first navigate to the game root directory.

  1. Install the nodejitsu:

    npm install jitsu -g

You may have to run the above as root (using sudo)

  1. Login to the Nodejitsu with username and password:

    jitsu login

    username: kmarkkk

  2. The deploy configuration file is called "package.json" currently. Basically it requires the following info:

    **App domain**: "subdomain"
    **App deploy version**: "version"
    **App portal**: "start"
    **App dependencies**: "dependencies"
  3. Deploy the app, and follow the command line:

    jitsu deploy

Alternately use jitsu deploy --release patch. This skips the confirmation message of whether you want to auto-increment the package version.

For more information read

The app should now be available at

The max size of the deploy directory is 30MB