Collaboration workflow - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki

Code formatting

Plugin for Javascript formatting on Sublime Text 2

Before checking your code in, run this code formatter.

Code check-in

In your terminal, run git config --global --bool pull.rebase true. (You only need to do this once). This helps avoid merge commits that are not necessary.

Using feature branches

Excellent article on how to collaborate on features using branches


  • For long-lived feature branches (like what we had with gridcell-navigation for a while) when you need changes from master, merge master into the feature branch
  • git pull --rebase instead of git pull. Easy way to enforce this is git config --global --bool pull.rebase true

When you want to push your changes to a branch, but someone else already pushed before you, you have to pull in their changes first. Normally, git does a merge commit in that situation.

  • We should start using rebase to ensure that the project history is clean (Peter note: I personally make a lot of commits, which I should probably rebase and squash.)

Issue tracking

Use GitHub's issue tracking functionality, it'll help keep all of our conversations in one place.