Class Character Concepts - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki

Soldier - average joe unit

    upgrades into
       saberman - uses soldier model but this dude's got a plasmasword or lightsaber
       arc-caster - uses the soldier model, but has a sick rifle that shoots a lightning particle effect

   Soldier Design:
       Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with a gun and a US military helmet WW2/Vietnam

Engineer - Resource gatherer/defense builder

this guy is for if we decide to include a resource system

    upgrades into
         Turret - your average defense mechanism
         excavator - faster resource gathering?

    Engineer Design:
        Smaller Unit, steampunky design. More of a classic robot. Square head, square body, cog eyes. What I would like to do would be to create a smokestack that pops out of his head. He'll carry a wrench or something.

Sniper - LOS Dependent, low mobility, high, single target damage.

    upgrades into
         Barrett - Less accurate(Are we implementing accuracy?) but faster rate of fire/damage
         Bolt-Action - More accurate more damage, lower rate of fire.

    Sniper Design:
        1) Built around the gun.
        2) Transformer that becomes a gun.

Vanguard - ultimate unit, aoe damage, costly but dishes and takes a lot of damage.

 upgrades into
     Tank - High durability
     Artillery - permanently placed(?)

Spotty - our friendly little spotlight. Combats fog of war

 upgrades into
      batman signal - makes placement permanent but allows friendly units to move one more tile for x
      Lighthouse - makes placement permanent but decreases the fog x more than spotty

Animation priorities

        walking/moving around > shooting > dying > getting shot (by different weapons) > idle

Original proposal:
