Blender asset pipeline - mattzhao92/Planet-Blitz GitHub Wiki

UV Baking directions

Basic export instructions

Blender UV bake

You'll have to uv unwrap your model and then you can use the Render / Texture Bake to change the procedural texture to an image texture.

"There needs to be an empty texture"

If baked correctly, then in the resulting JSON file, you should see a line such as the following:

"mapDiffuse" : "../../blendertextures/pattern-camo.jpg",
"mapDiffuseWrap" : ["repeat", "repeat"],

Make sure to select "copy textures to folder".

Art restrictions

  • The entire game must be 30 mb or less, so do not store raw Blender files (.blend) or large exported Blender files (.js). Because the entire geometry is exported, a Blender file with 60,000+ faces could alone be 40 mb.
  • Center the models in the middle so that the model's position and scale can be set correctly

What is UV baking?

Previous issues