Police Sectors - mattyschell/nyc-spatial-rolodex GitHub Wiki

The New York Police Department maintains police sector boundaries. Police sectors nest within Police-Precincts. The New York Police Department has been actively re-aligning sector boundaries in what they refer to as phases. Each phase usually sees several sectors merged within 5-10 precincts.

Open Data Portal

Maintained by the New York Police Department. Clipped to shoreline.


Use caution, the dataset on the Open Data Portal is frequently not up to date with the latest sector boundaries.

Historically this dataset has included sliver artifacts that are the result of clipping the sectors to a shoreline that does not align perfectly with sector boundaries that are defined at the water's edge. For example, the southern tip of Roosevelt Island appeared to be shared by three sectors. Recent releases of this dataset have been better aligned with the shoreline used in clipping.

City Databases

The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications receives from the New York Police Department un-clipped to shoreline police sectors that are stored in the Citywide Street Centerline database and used in emergency management. These water-inclusive police sectors are not published.