Park Properties - mattyschell/nyc-spatial-rolodex GitHub Wiki

For all parks see Park

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation maintains two parks polygon datasets. "Parks Properties" is New York City property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation. "Functional Parkland" is Parks Properties that have been reshaped for better cartographic presentation on printed or digital maps. For example, many parks properties have been extended to the curbline in the functional parkland dataset.

NYC Open Data - Parks Properties

This link is ever changing, best to search NYC Open Data for "Parks Properties."

As of summer 2018 The Department of Parks and Recreation releases this dataset monthly. The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications refreshes NYC Open Data with the monthly release provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation.

The publicly released Parks Properties differs slightly from the internal Parks Properties dataset maintained by the Department of Parks and Recreation (and sometimes shared with other city agencies). The Properties published to NYC Open Data excludes retired properties, pending acquisitions/tracking sites, and sites with zero acreage.

Minor caution: Depending on your software's tolerance and awareness of such things, many of the shapes in this dataset may be invalid. Best to download, check, and repair if necessary before proceeding.

Caution In the past the Parks Properties dataset on NYC Open Data has been switcheroo'd with the Park-Zones dataset. The Park Properties dataset should contain approximately 2,000 records.

NYC Open Data - Functional Parkland

Reminder: not spatially accurate, recommended for cartographic use only.