problems with current trip planners - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki

Problems with current trip planners

The following issues were produced by workshop participants on July 15, 2009. Transcribed here, then grouped after-the-fact.


  • Customer feedback to improve routes

  • "Trip not planned" as planning tool

  • Data: Feedback from customers helps fix the data, a la Open Street Map

  • Routing algorithm that "learns" based on user feedback

  • Collect data from trip planner usage


  • Agency format of data & cooperation -- all mix of data structures into a commmon DB (and definitions of fields)

  • Barriers, roadway, topography

  • Bike-to-transit: Location of bike locking facilities? Presence of bike capacity on vehicle? Difference in available capacity peak vs. off-peak?

  • Referral to other transpo services in case of transit service unavailability. If outside service hours / outside service boundary: refer to taxis, or refer to complementary ADA / paratransit

  • Integration with real-time data: detours, delays, service changes

  • ADA data collection and levels of ADA - Visually impaired vs. wheelchair at a stop that may service a bus w/ curbcuts vs. subway or lr platform w/ oeh (?)

  • Interagency / cross-agency trip planning (+3)

  • Integration with more transportation providers, both public and private

  • Need for standardized data formats across systems (+1)

  • Incorporate near time info to trip planner


  • Support for driving / zipcar (+1)

  • Bike option

  • Ride share as a mode

  • Multi-stop routing (+1)

  • Draggable routing

  • Drive-to-transit / bike-to-transit: Allow "last-mile" up to 25 miles or so --> useful for intercity services (Amtrak, etc.)

  • Drive-to-transit: Will there be parking capacity there? Traffic?

  • Elevation. Search for a plan that has zero grade changes between transfers.

  • Deviated fixed routes. Define flexible service zones and allow end-user to find this.

  • Bad geocoding

Design & user experience:

  • Easy user interface for first-time transit user

  • Control of walking speed, distance, topography

  • Integrated map, satellite & street-view w/ transit planning

  • Ability to compare trip options such as: bus only; car w/par & bus; bike & bus

  • Needs good printing

  • Hard to compare routing options


  • Open system that allows easy addition of new applications & features

  • Scalable complexity


  • Quicker application of data improvement

  • Improved process for introducing changes to data

  • Technology updated with in-house program


  • Interactive system map -- sort of a "you are here" with dynamic GIS data for different modes

  • Missing: (for mobile device trip planners): Ability to adjust / re-plan trip when you miss a bus or a vehicle is late (kind of like how a car GPS re-routes when you take a different turn)

  • Needs mobile version


  • "What-ifs" - transit planning support

  • Usage logging / friends