m5 14 10 - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki

Call details

  • When: Friday, May 14, 2010 at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST

  • Number: 917-388-9050

  • Room: 8

  • PIN: 1234

If possible, you should join #opentripplanner on freenode so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.


Check-in (very brief update about what you've worked on in the past week)


Discussion of pathways.txt proposal. Likelihood of required pathway data being collected and maintained. Issues snapping to streets when initial point is too far away.


Nick: Graph builder bugs; new traversal permissions converter with Rob; second to last call

David: Working on contraction hierarchies; looking like pathways.txt will get into GTFS spec

Rob: paired with Nick on permissions converter; new config option for attribution

Frank: started on link to trip; got Portland data loaded in filtering out highways; ran into NPE trying to do the same with larger metro dataset.

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