m2 26 10 - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
When: Friday, February 26, 2010 at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST
Number: 917-388-9050
Room: 8
PIN: 1234
If possible, you should join #opentripplanner
on freenode
so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.
Check-in (very brief update about what you've worked on in the past week)
Also discussed:
Should we require that checkins be connected with specific tickets? The decision was that we probably shouldn't make this a mandatory policy, but that it should be strongly encouraged. Nick will email the list to get the others' feedback on this.
Add hour estimated and actual hour tracking on tickets. Would improve our ability to measure how much work is going into the project, get a lower bound for in-kind hours, etc. Would this be too much of a hassle for developers? Nick will email the list about this too to get feedback and ask about installing TracHours.
Discussion of how routing based on bike lane information works and how this information can be pulled from the Portland bike lane dataset (Nick looked into this a while ago and got stuck; will followup with Wyatt to get the proper mapping)
Nick: at TransITech
David Turner: working on building off of NED
Rob: worked on error reporting, CSS fix
Frank: error reporting, localization improvements