m10 30 09 - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
When: Friday, October 30, 2009 at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST
Number: 917-388-9050
Room: 8
PIN: 1234
If possible, you should join #opentripplanner
on freenode
so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.
Check-in (very brief update about what you've worked on in the past week)
Nick: board-alight branch work, fixing bugs
David Turner: board-alight work, finding and fixing bugs
Brian: writing a lot of emails, thinking about multi trip results
Brandon: doing a bunch of (non-OTP) transit coding and related work (check out: http://wiki.walkscore.org/transit-score)
Wyatt: more deep thinking about architecture, list communications
Frank: checked in skeleton API code on branch, list communications.