m10 16 09 - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
When: Friday, October 16, 2009 at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST
Number: 917-388-9050
Room: 8
PIN: 1234
If possible, you should join #opentripplanner
on freenode
so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.
discussion of tickets
- everyone pleased with outcomes from last meeting
Discussion of #21
Brian has all tests passing on branch
Code is well-tested both from having been used for some time and has unit tests
fully handles GTFS spec
TODO: Brian will merge into trunk in the next two days
Discussion of #23
- DECISION: agreed to jump to Java 1.6 as default
Discussion of a few different trip planer problems:
how do we want to handle different projections? Should just do everything in lat/lon internally and reproject in the output?
things to consider:
performance hit from distance calculations (can be improved by pre-calculating)
routing across large geographic distances
mapping form lat/lon to Vertex (#22) - can this be handled with an existing lib? (GeoTools, JTS, ?)
why are there non-spatial vertices?
Brandon: requires a long answer, will send out message to listserv. Short answer: encodes user state in the graph (tradeoff between storing in State, which leads to non-optimal trips from Dijkstra's algorithm, and storing in graph, which increases the size of the graph)
Lack of documentation
it'd be great to have both more documentation for the code and the trip planning problem in general
DECISION: start adding Javadoc comments
TODO: Nick will stub out documentation pages