m1 22 10 - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
When: Friday, January 22, 2010 at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST
Number: 917-388-9050
Room: 8
PIN: 1234
If possible, you should join #opentripplanner
on freenode
so we can pass relevant links, etc around during the call.
Discussed lat/lon vs. lon/lat, decided to take pragmatic approach suggested on the mailing list and leave things as they now are (Frank updated the webapp to be consistent). Also discussed general OTP roadmap, including the possibility of having a demo ready for a transit conference in late February.
Check-in (very brief update about what you've worked on in the past week)
Nick: writing API docs, doc generation, working on automatic deployment
David T: working on backend bugs and optimizations
Frank: fixing UI bugs