Translation - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
Web App Translations
The OTP javascript webapp can switch between different languages by changing one parameter value.
Things to know about multiple languages in OTP:
The languages currently available are here :
To switch between languages, one needs to change the variable 'otp.config.locale' in file config.js (line 11)
Many of the translations are a bit out of date with recent work to localize the webapp (and thus contain 'default' English translations where a translation string is missing). As of May 2011, Italian.js, followed by Spanish.js (missing a few new strings) are the most complete.
If you can help translate any of the language files, or want to add a new language, contributions are warmly welcomed by the user mailing list.
If you're looking to contribute new translations, a discussion on getting Italian translations into OTP might be interesting reading.
There was talk a year ago (April 2010) of changing the translation scheme in OTP to GNU get text Portable Object (PO) files. A good idea, which might get revisited (as having our translation strings in .js is limiting for anything other than a browser based UI; plus there are constructs in different languages that don't follow those of English...something which PO files are more sophisticated at handling).