Project History - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki


OpenTripPlanner was seeded with a Regional Travel Options grant and opened with a 3-day Kick-Off Workshop in July of 2009 in which several transit agencies and key developers met to initiate the project and set the roadmap to meet for the minimum grant requirements.

We are nearing completion of this first phase as defined in the Project Scope and Goals.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Kick-off Workshop and contributed to the project thus far.

The project's community is growing tremendously. We have received bug reports and code contributions from Spain, Poland, Hungary, Uruguay, and the Netherlands, as well as half a dozen states in the US. Developers who have contributed extensively include:

  • Brandon Martin-Anderson, who ported core pieces of Graphserver from C to Java to kickstart the project.

  • Brian Ferris, creator of OneBusAway, has contributed extensively, architecting the project's graph-building process, to name but one of his many contributions (the project also benefits from the fantastic GTFS library Brian develops and maintains).

  • Frank Purcell of TriMet contributed the basis for our user interface and API.

  • David Emory has shared his knowledge and code from Five Points and is working on some truly exciting biking features, including elevation visualizations.

  • David Turner has built core pieces of the routing engine, contributing everything from narrative generation to accessibility support.