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OpenTripPlanner is presently at version 0.3.

The software currently:

  • Plans true multi-modal trips combining walking, biking and transit

  • Plans wheelchair accessible trips

  • Plans depart by/arrive by trips

  • Takes road type, bike lane, and elevation data into account when planning bike trips

  • Show elevation maps for bike trips

  • Imports data from GTFS, shapefiles, OpenStreetMap, and the National Elevation Dataset

  • Plans trips in about 100ms in a moderate sized city

  • Exposes a RESTful API (XML and JSON), which other apps or front-ends can build on

See the Status page for more information and the Roadmap for what's next.

Looking for information on OpenTripPlanner for your agency?

Visit OpenTripPlanner.com.


OpenTripPlanner is an open source multi-modal trip planner released under the LGPL. The project is a collaborative effort among TriMet, OpenPlans, and the developers of FivePoints, OneBusAway, Graphserver, and byCycle.

What's a trip planner?

A trip planner helps you figure out how best to get where you want to go. A multi-modal trip planner lets you plan routes using multiple "modes," for example, on foot, bike, train, bus, or some combination thereof. A good multi-modal trip planner allows you to easily tailor your trip to your preferences, for example by eliminating transfers, walking a more scenic path, or only riding buses with bike storage. Learn more


For developers

For stakeholders and users