Old Meetings - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki

These are notes from past meetings, kept for archival purposes.

Current meetings are handled here: Weekly-Check-In-Discussions

In the past, we had brief technical conference call meetings Fridays at 1:30pm PST/4:30pm EST. A reminder message along with the wiki page and details for the meeting was sent to the mailing list each week before the call.

How the agenda works*

Check-in: Our calls begin with a quick check-in. Each person gives a brief update on what he or she has been working or simply says "nothing to report."

*Agenda items'': Anyone is welcome to add an item to the agenda. Every agenda item should be associated with a ticket; if a ticket doesn't already exist for what you want to discuss, create a new one. You can add a ticket to the agenda by adding a special keyword to the ticket in the form agenda-MM-DD-YY. For example, if you wanted to add an item to the meeting for October 30, 2009, you would add the keyword agenda-10-30-09 to the ticket.

Previous meetings