2011.11.10 Weekly Check In - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
Individual Check-ins:
David E - Some work on multi-destination search, but primarily focused on speculative OTP development (analyst extension, etc.)
Andrew - Graph vertex refactoring branch. Multi-objective search work.
Frank - Current branch is fairly stable --c onsidering closing performance-related tickets. Also working on printing and other front-end work.
David T - Busy on other projects, will start looking at narrative / location naming issues
Bibiana - very happy w/ where things are, want to save remaining hours. Beta is stable right now, want Frank to have time to work on UI. Next few months: working on OSM beyond reqs of OTP: speed limits, turn restrictions, etc. New grant will keep interns to look at accessibility information. Bibiana will be focused on adjacent agencies and state DOT. Different options for bringing in adjacent agencies.
Discussion of technical / administrative issues surrounding regional statewide / deployment.
Issue of distributed graph search -- could be necessary for political as much as technical reasons. Will stay in touch on further developments.
DE proivided update on Chattanooga deployment -- Bibi stressed OSM consistency / training.