2011.09.22 Weekly Check in - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
Participants: David Emory, David Turner, Andrew Byrd, Frank Purcell, Bibiana McHugh, Grant and Mele from the Trimet Intern Team
Portland Launch check-in:
- Working on IE compatibility issues, beleive errors were being caused by minification of Raphael library. Some additional testing to do.
- Some progress on elevation quirks. Some problems remain with specific edge types. Will follow up with on email / issue tracker.
- Goal to have elevation UI enhancements done by weekend.
- Working on slow trips / outlying regions. have discovered some other issues. Have made progress understanding problem.
- Timeout issue now implemented; excessively slow searches will be abandoned.
- Graph visualization now shows search progress
- Release deployment / Maven configuration - 0.4.2 release today. Some Javadoc issues to work through.
- Portland demo is using the timeout feature now
- This week: focused on UI / clickable itinerary links, map enhancements
Trimet Interns:
- Turn penalty: can someone explain how that works? Answer: It is based on angle of turn; effectively makes street longer. Trimet: Still some cases where planner will route bikes on to crosswalk/footpath unnecessarily. AB: will look into specific configuration, may be worth looking back over general approach as well.
- Triangle: disucssion about meaning of "safest" trip and possible addition of "smartest" option -- where does this correspond to on the triangle? Could be helpful to have different sets of weights defined -- Trimet will follow up with some specific numbers.
Bibiana discussed rollout plan:
- Oct 14: release press event at Metro, Portland. 10:30am. OP participation would be ideal. Only browser is on demo machine is IE -- need to test!
- Oct 15: official launch. Demo at Drupal summit.
- Comments will be solicited & monitored / summarized by interns.Team that will be responding to blogs / comments -- need to think about consistency of message.
- Drawing for free folding bike for commenters (side conversation: support for onboard bike capacity as future OTP feature).