2011.09.01 Weekly Check In - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
Participants: Andrew Byrd, David Emory, David Turner, Frank Purcell
Portland Beta
General check-ins:
- David E - New bike elevation front end checked in, report any issues back to him. Will continue looking at elevation graph builder issues.
- Frank - Misc form enhancements, e.g. links now include bike triangle preferences. Selenium test suite now available for local deployment.
- David T - Working through various Trimet-reported routing bugs.
- Andrew - General eclipse/maven integration issues. LBG hueristic now works on arrive-by trips as well.
Some discussion about general preformance issues and slow searches on certain trips. Andrew discussed some potential strategies, including precomputed transfers. Frank may set up "cluster" of OTP servers to provide some redundancy.
Other ongoing work
Pacific NW demo
- Deployed graph w/ LBG hueristic -- minor improvement for some shorter intercity trips, but longer ones (e.g. Vancouver BC to Portland) still take long to execute, or don't return trips at all. Andrew suggested using latest checkout as LBG was not applied to all searches earlier
- Still need to test w/ contraction hierarchies enabled. See wiki for updated configuration info
- Submittal date for European Commission challenge is one week out. Demo may not be to point where we are comfortable w/ it as showcase, but agreement that it is still a good idea to send letter regarding data issues.
Analytics Framework
- Discussion about structure of project/repository for analytics framework. Should it be a separate repository from OTP one?
- Separate repo could help keep main OTP one from becoming too cluttered w/ non-essential components, but issue arises of graph version conflicts, etc. Andrew to look into creating release for inclusion in Maven repo for use by extensions, third party apps, etc
Status of Developer Documentation
Some of current tutorials are out of date (references to subversion repository etc.). David E. committed to updating Getting Started guide for git/maven in command line context, as well as creating new tutorial on extracting and working with OSM base network data.
Discussion of tutorial for setup with Eclipse. New version of Eclipse and changes to m2e project have rendered current version largely obsolete. Andrew, David still working through Eclipse/Maven integration issues; situation is still somewhat unstable, but should be revisited in future.
David E noted interest from developer of zonecone.ca, a site in Montreal that tracks road work / closures for potential integration w/ OTP.