2011.08.04 Weekly Check in - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki
Via phone conference
- General Check-ins
- David Emory - still mostly administrative work -- analytics extension outline, website, outreach. Also working on Pacific NW demo.
- David Turner - misc bug fixes/enhancements, answering questions on lists
- Andrew - tackled #409 bug, ms vs. sec issue, many-to-many searching
- Frank - git build / scripts generating resources for 2 & 5-min intros now up to date and building every night. Working on production server
- Kevin - talked to groups in Australia, Israel about interest in OTP
- Trimet Beta
- Use Fri Oct 14 as target date for milestone
- Primary concern is reliable core routing functionality -- i.e. trips that make sense
- Extras - bike triangle, mouseover of elevation graph, service alerts / GTRFS
- New features can progressively be added over time, including after 10/14
- Ranked/prioritized list of additions would be ideal; Frank to meet w/ Bibiana to discuss
- Bike preference weighting (A-train triangle)
- Will not work with contraction hierarchies, but can still be provided as optional feature for serious cyclists
- David E to write up approach used in Atlanta work
Scoping for Analytics Extension
- Mention integration with other FOSS GIS tools as generalized routing extension
- Clarification needed on 2(a), applicibility of "heat map" approach
- David E to coordination w/ Andrew on code already written
Pacific NW Demo Update
- Amtrak geocoding -- Frank to send WSDOT contact
- Do we include air travel? Possibly, but focus on surface intercity lines first. Air will require some routing engine modifications (i.e. allowing time for airport check-in)
- Andrew made edits to letter to accompany submittal; more attention needed here after demo is set up
Presentation at Transit/GIS Conference - Brainstorming
- OTP has 90 minute keynote spot on schedule for Sept 15; Kevin, DDE to attend
- Potential topics to cover:
- OTP admin interface for alerts, etc. - needs polishing
- New Portland beta features - bike triangle?
- "Tour" of existing deployments around world
- Atlanta data management tools
Git branching/merging
- Need consistent practice on stable vs unstable builds and what is released
- Code is currently stable -> release 0.4.3
- Link separately to latest dev build and stable build
- Consider using release branches