3. User Stories - mattstras/cs329e-idb GitHub Wiki

User Stories:

  1. As a user, I want to be able to sort tables to easily find the minimum and maximum values of a table.

    • Estimate: 3 hours
    • Completion: 4 hours
    • Issues: Creating sortable tables wasn't too difficult at first, but our first solution was inelegant and it took a bit more time to implement it well and cleanly. We had to use external libraries to achieve this.
  2. As a user, I want clear consistency on the site and for pages to follow the same style.

    • Estimate: 2 hours
    • Completion: 3 hours
    • Issues: Our initial site design suffered a bit from contrasting page styles. This was an easy fix as it just involved updating and linking one external style sheet, but some details kept getting overlooked and took longer to find and fix.
  3. As a user, I want a home page that gives me a summary of the site so I know what I'm getting into.

    • Estimate: 30 minutes
    • Completion: 1 hour
    • Issues: Creating the summary was a simple enough task, however formatting it to fit well with the other elements on our home page and to scale well took a bit more work than expected.
  4. As a user, I would like access to a news feed to get info related to site info.

    • Estimate: 30 minutes
    • Completion: 1 hour
    • Issues: The task of creating an original rss reader was a bit daunting, so instead we utilized the free service powered by Freewind to include an RSS feed in our splash page. After creating an account at feed.mikle.com, the RSS feed reader was designed using the GUI provided and then it was embedded into the splash page.
  5. As a user, I would like to have interactive maps on the states pages so I can get a detailed look at specific points of the state without needing a lot of images.

    • Estimate: 2 hours
    • Completion: 3 hours
    • Issues: The first implementation was simple enough and just using some javascript from an external site. However, while it ran well on local machines, it didn't run when pushed to our repository. To fix this, we had to use a different implementation using iframes and keys provided by google.


This site was a bit confusing for us. After submitting the user story, there's voting on it, and the voting was done by cards. Even more confusing, you could vote coffee. This whole thing seemed like some inside joke that we were not in on and it seems more beneficial to just use issues in GitHub to address features we want added.