2. Pillars - mattstras/cs329e-idb GitHub Wiki


The politicians page list multiple politicians in a table providing information on their position, home state, political party, and age. From here, the user can get a basic idea of the person and is given links in the politicians name to go to a separate page that goes more in depth and provides a picture. From the politicians page, the user can also click on the state abbreviation and get more details on the state and its representatives and political history. Each politician's page links to their state and position pages. From the Politicians page or any of the instance pages, the use can easily navigate to the home page, about page, or any of the pillar pages with the navigation bar at the top of the page.


The states page provides a table of multiple states with information on the capitol, population, electoral votes, and House of Representatives breakdown. From this page, the user can click on the states and get a more detailed breakdown on information and an interactive map showing the respective state. They can also link to the states representatives. From the States page or any of the instance pages, the use can easily navigate to the home page, about page, or any of the pillar pages with the navigation bar at the top of the page.


The positions page provides a table of various political positions, providing information on term length, number of reelections (term limits), branch of government, and average annual salary. From here, the user can click on each position to go to the individual pages for each position. This shows more details about each position and examples (with links) of politicians that hold each position. From the Positions page or any of the instance pages, the use can easily navigate to the home page, about page, or any of the pillar pages with the navigation bar at the top of the page.

Flow Diagram:

Here is a diagram showing the paths the user can take in between the separate web pages and how they link between one another.