Register a New application - mattnovitsch/M365 GitHub Wiki


Register an application for API calls with applications like Power BI and Power Automate.


  • Azure subscription


  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. In the search box, type in Active Directory then click Azure Active Directory.
  3. Select App Registrations on the left hand menu, then select New Registration.
  4. Give the application a name. I'm going to call mine "Demo Application". Fill in who can access the API and if you require a redirection URI.
  5. Copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID for later use. I do notepad on the desktop without saving it. Click Add a certificate or secret.
  6. Click New Client Secret.
  7. Enter the description and select the timeframe you want the secret to be valid for. You might want to check with your Cyber team to figure out your organizational requirements.
  8. Click the copy icon and save the secret in the notepad for later use.