Ramblings about time - mattiasrunge/MURRiX GitHub Wiki
Handling time information
Knowing when something happened in time is difficult when information is scares. I will try to document different scenarios and how they should be handled. The goal is always to get a timestamp in UTC time and know how to display it in local time where the image was taken.
Picture with GPS timestamp
A picture taken with a camera that has tagged it with a GPS timestamp already has the correct information. This is the ideal situation but unfortunately not yet the most common.
Missing information
- If GPS position is missing timezone needs to be set manually
- Is it possible to have a picture with GPS time but without GPS position, GPS chips get the time before it can get a fixed position but the camera might not use it unless a complete fix is found.
Picture taken with phone
The phone adjusts it time after both daylight savings and time zone. This might not be a 100% but close enough.
Missing information
- Timezone
- Daylight savings offset can be calculated by the date and timezone
- Can it be assumed that daylight savings should always be compensated for, there are places which does not use it?
Picture taken with digital camera with static time
A camera that never change it's time can be synchronized to a fixed UTC offset.
Missing information
- Offset against UTC offset
- Does the camera automatically change time for daylight savings
- Timezone to know how to display it as local time
- Can it be possible to find out if camera automatically adjust for daylight savings if there are UTC offsets defined for summer period and winter period?
Picture taken with a digital with time changed on trip
The time of the camera might be adjusted manually to always reflect local time.
Missing information
- Timezone
- Daylight savings offset can be calculated by the date and timezone
Picture taken and scanned with no exif information
Older pictures might not have any valid exif information at all since they are scanned or similar. The problem here is that only partial information might be available such as the year.
Missing information
- Timestamp or partial time with resolution notice
- Timezone
Date and time should always be presented in local time where the picture was taken. Thus displaying timezone information should not be needed.
If a correct timestamp exists with timezone
Monday, April 25th 2011, 08:02:40
If correct timestamp exist but no timezone
Monday, April 25th 2011, 08:02:40 UTC
If partial time information exists
April 2011
Monday, April 25th 2011
Monday, April 25th 2011 08:XX:XX
Monday, April 25th 2011 08:02:XX
Monday, April 25th 2011 08:02:40