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The language of the Flash code within an SWF is ActionScript.
SWF Format and instruction set are specified here: http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/swf/pdf/swf-file-format-spec.pdf
A handbook of AVM2 instructions is available here: https://wikidocs.adobe.com/wiki/display/AVM2/add

Default Debian flasm: 1.62-7

Example output:

$ flasm -d player.swf
movie 'player.swf' compressed // flash 10, total frames: 1, frame rate: 24 fps, 500x375 px
  fileAttributes attrActionScript3,attrHasMetadata
  metadata '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\'><rdf:Description rdf:about=\'\' xmlns:dc=\'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1\'><dc:format>application/x-shockwave-flash</dc:format><dc:title>Adobe Flex 4 Application</dc:title><dc:description>http://www.adobe.com/products/flex</dc:description><dc:publisher>unknown</dc:publisher><dc:creator>unknown</dc:creator><dc:language>EN</dc:language><dc:date>Oct 14, 2011</dc:date></rdf:description></rdf:rdf>'
  scriptLimits recursion 1000 timeout 60

  defineMovieClip 1 // total frames: 0
  end // of defineMovieClip 1
  // unknown tag 87 length 774
  // unknown tag 87 length 980
  // unknown tag 87 length 8908
  // unknown tag 82 length 195304
  // unknown tag 76 length 413

Other examples:

Other tools:
  • JAXS Flash Decompiler
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