Use Cases - matthewcornell/wikitest GitHub Wiki

Following are descriptions of the applications that make use of the unique_case_data table in the dengue_cases database. Please see Setting-up-code-dependencies for details on configuring your computer for running applications on the database.

Impetus forecasting

Impetus (AKA SPaMD) is the main project that makes use of the unique_case_data table to make predictions and generate reports from them. It is an R project located at The entry point is trunk/source/realtime-dengue-reports/, which calls trunk/source/realtime-dengue-reports/run-latest-forecast.R, weaves the Rnw file trunk/source/realtime-dengue-reports/makeReport/makeReport.Rnw, and then converts it to PDF via knit2pdf.

Analytics database

The Analytics database is a set of flat CSV file that aggregate the data. These static count files are used for simpler less-realtime analysis. These are checked in to the above Impetus forecasting repository every time new data is imported. The code that does this is under trunk/source/database_interface and the tables live in trunk/data/database-aggregate-tables.

An example use of these files is via in the dengueThailand package located at trunk/packages/dengueThailand. E.g., <- load.thailand.dengue("data/Dengue-Biweek-1968-2010-seed393.csv",wld.shape="data/admin98/admin98.shp")

Modeling reporting delays

This is a project that makes use of the line-list data in unique_case_data to estimate reporting delays for the MOPH surveillance system in a hierarchical fashion. The source code for this project is available here.

Spatiotemporal dynamics of intra-annual waves

This project analyzes the spatiotemporal dynamics of intra-annual waves in Thailand and attempts to explain the reasons behind the phenomenon of rural districts leading in those waves. The project combines district level case counts after 2008 from the UMASS database (using an R library) with case counts before 2008 stored in csv file on Hopkins server.