Automated Tests - matthewcornell/wikitest GitHub Wiki

Currently two types of data validation tests are available, which are run manually via the Makefile as documented in Import-Process:

$ make test-input


$ make test-output

These run the corresponding R files in /tests/test_input and /tests/test_output, respectively. More specifically:

Input tests

Tests of the delivery_metadata.txt file:

  • Test that all csvs in original_data are mentioned in dengue_case_metadata.txt.
  • Test that dengue_case_metadata.txt doesn't have orphan entries.
  • Test that delivery_year is correct for entries in metadata.

Tests for file-specific codes for deliveries:

  • Test that all deliveries have file specific codes (does not check for orphan codes).

Output tests

Tests for deliveries:

  • Test that unique deliveries are same in all the tables.

Tests of the delivery_metadata table:

  • Test that the delivery_metadata table matches data from dengue_case_metadata.txt.
  • Check for date_delivered existing.

Tests for expected tables being created in various steps:

  • Check if a given table identifier is present in the database.
  • Test that the table delivery_metadata is present.
  • Test that tables are getting created as a result of running 2_create_unique_data.R.